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Composite index and data distribution

From: Micha³ Kuratczyk <>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 11:27:51 +0200
Message-ID: <ebhmcl$nja$>


I've observed a behaviour that I cannot explain by myself and I would be glad for help. Here it goes (10gXE but tested on EE too):

SIMPLE TABLE WITH TWO COLUMNS: SQL> create table foobar(foo number not null, bar number not null);

Table created.

  2 for i in 1..1000000 loop
  3 insert into foobar(foo, bar) values (case when i <= 10000 then 1 else 99 end, i);
  4 end loop;
  5 end;
  6 /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

COMPOSITE INDEX (BEST I CAN THINK OF FOR THE QUERY TO BE EXECUTED): SQL> create index foobar_idx on foobar(foo, bar);

Index created.

DETAILED STATISTICS (SO IT'S NOT STATISTICS-RELATED ISSUE): SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user, 'FOOBAR', cascade=>true, estimate_percent=>100, method_opt=>'for all columns size auto');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

JUST TO BE SURE - DATA DISTRIBUTION: SQL> select foo, count(*) from foobar group by foo;

       FOO COUNT(*)
---------- ----------

         1      10000
        99     990000


SQL> set timing on
SQL> set autotrace traceonly
SQL> alter session set sql_trace=true;

Session altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.08

AND HERE COMES THE QUERY FOR FOO=1 (1% OF THE ROWS): SQL> select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(25) */ * from (select foo, rownum rn   2 from foobar where foo=1 order by bar) where rn <= 25;

25 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.03

Execution Plan

Plan hash value: 2407035716

| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |        |    25 |   650 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  1 |  VIEW            |        |    25 |   650 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   2 |   COUNT          |        |       |       |            |          |
|*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN| FOOBAR_IDX |  25 |  175 |  3   (0)| 00:00:01 |


Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   1 - filter("RN"<=25)
   3 - access("FOO"=1)


          1  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
         30  consistent gets
          0  physical reads
          0  redo size
        811  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
        395  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
          3  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          0  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
         25  rows processed

AND HERE IS THE SAME QUERY WITH FOO=99 (99% OF THE ROWS): SQL> select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(25) */ * from (select foo, rownum rn   2 from foobar where foo=99 order by bar) where rn <= 25;

25 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.78

Execution Plan

Plan hash value: 2407035716

| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |        |    25 |   650 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  1 |  VIEW            |        |    25 |   650 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   2 |   COUNT          |        |       |       |            |          |
|*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN| FOOBAR_IDX |  25 |   175 |  3  (0)| 00:00:01 |


Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   1 - filter("RN"<=25)
   3 - access("FOO"=99)


          1  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
       2624  consistent gets
          0  physical reads
          0  redo size
        811  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
        395  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
          3  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          0  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
         25  rows processed

In the first case there were 30 consistent gets and in the second - 2624! Why?! Plan is the same. The index contains exactly the answer to the query (both columns, sorted as requested), so I would expect it to just grab the first 25 rows from the index and return them. I would ignore a few blocks difference but it's not the case - Oracle is obviously doing something different with those two queries.

Here is the output from tkprof:

select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(25) */ * from (select foo, rownum rn from foobar where foo=1 order by bar) where rn <= 25

call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows ------- ------ ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

Parse        1    0.00     0.00          0          0          0           0
Execute      1    0.00     0.00          0          0          0           0
Fetch        3    0.00     0.00          0         30          0          25
------- ------  ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
total        5    0.00     0.00          0         30          0          25

Misses in library cache during parse: 1
Optimizer mode: FIRST_ROWS
Parsing user id: 36

Rows Row Source Operation

-------  ---------------------------------------------------
     25  VIEW  (cr=30 pr=0 pw=0 time=70 us)
  10000 COUNT (cr=30 pr=0 pw=0 time=60049 us)   10000 INDEX RANGE SCAN FOOBAR_IDX (cr=30 pr=0 pw=0 time=30038 us (object id 14207)

select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(25) */ * from (select foo, rownum rn from foobar where foo=99 order by bar) where rn <= 25

call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows ------- ------ ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

Parse        1    0.00     0.00          0          0          0           0
Execute      1    0.00     0.00          0          0          0           0
Fetch        3    0.75     0.75          0       2624          0          25
------- ------  ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
total        5    0.75     0.75          0       2624          0          25

Misses in library cache during parse: 1
Optimizer mode: FIRST_ROWS
Parsing user id: 36

Rows Row Source Operation

-------  ---------------------------------------------------
     25  VIEW  (cr=2624 pr=0 pw=0 time=73 us)
 990000 COUNT (cr=2624 pr=0 pw=0 time=5940050 us)  990000 INDEX RANGE SCAN FOOBAR_IDX (cr=2624 pr=0 pw=0 time=1980043 us (object id 14207)

Seems like Oracle cannot optimize the query and really reads all those rows instead of stopping after the first 25. Is it true or am I missing something? I can't believe that with all those tricks that CBO is capable of, it can't do such an obvious one. Any suggestions?


Michal Kuratczyk
Received on Fri Aug 11 2006 - 04:27:51 CDT

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