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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Quick sqlplus cr/lf question
> what are you actually putting in for <any value>?
I tried 50, 200... various things.
> this is typical syntax and has worked for about 20 years or so:
I'm sure that's true.
At this point, I think, I'll just take it as is - I'll accept the repeating column headers every 63 lines or whatever it is. I'd like to figure out why I'm seeing what I'm seeing, but it's not urgent. ;)
There are some guys on my site who have waaaay more SQL and PL/SQL experience than me. I'll try a mind meld with one of them, in a forum where we can step through things directly.
Thanks for the feedback - much appreciated. ;-) Received on Fri Aug 04 2006 - 15:43:59 CDT