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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: 10g XE installation on XP Home
On 26 Apr 2006 06:37:07 -0700, "salenavr" <>
>I attempted 10g XE installation and it failed (was frozen for a couple
>of hours so I aborted and rebooted). After that I tried to remove
>install folder but couldn't as system complains about admin privilege
>(I am in Administrator group!).
>I had Norton firewall etc. bloatware running at that time but not sure
>if that caused install problem. XP firewall was disabled.
>How can I remove that 10g installation folder and properly install 10g
Oracle has never supported XP Home.
-- Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Wed Apr 26 2006 - 11:25:10 CDT