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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Strange Network Error on Oracle Database Server
If you can connect to the database instance, even if it is "idle", the
service must have started. Without the service having started, you
cannot connect via sqlplus.exe even on the server console (on win32).
Perhaps it is taking a relatively long time for the database instance to be completely open - and the error message that you show above is a timed out connection attempt?
Is the ORACLE_SID of interest "ORCL"?
When you re-created the OS Service, did you set the startmode to auto
or manual?
Is there an init.ora in the %ORACLE_HOME%\database folder that has an
IFILE entry to the real parameter file?
Is the service owned by a local service account or by LocalSystem?
Is the local service account a member of the local group "ORA_DBA"?
-bdbafh Received on Wed Apr 26 2006 - 00:30:03 CDT