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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: replication, Materialized views, and transparent data encryption
Frank van Bortel schrieb:
> I doubt you can refresh them using a job - your MV was created by
> your session; hence the transparent encryption (or rather:
> DEcryption) was active.
That should not be a problem, as you
"set encryption wallet open" at the system level, but i even don't tried
to refresh. My observation was, that , after "create materialized view A
as select * from B" and database was shut down, blocks of B contained
encrypted data, whereas blocks of A contained cleartext. Then, because
syntactically you can't create materialized view and specify encryption
for columns i tried to modify underlying table and failed. So, my
conclusion was - you can create materialized view from tables with
encrypted columns, but tables-container of materialized view itself
don't allow encryption - data will be stored unencrypted. Perhaps i'll
play with prebuilt tables, but suppose - it will generate an oracle
error, or data will be decrypted after first refresh.
> The ORA-01732 could be thrown because you did not create
> an updateable MV.
Yes, i know (i was not sure - "alter table modify (column encrypt)" equals to data modification), but i implied , OP was asking about read only MV, maybe i am wrong.
> Sorry - my 10.2 server is down for maintenance...
Best regards
Maxim Received on Mon Apr 24 2006 - 14:21:56 CDT
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