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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: The Chronicles of Oracle: the Client, the TNSnames.ora, and a DB cluster
Isabel wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just recentely become an Oracle 10g database administrator and I
> have been having problems connecting a clients to our DB.
> I have installed the instant client but I am getting the ora-12514
> errors (unable to resolve the TNSnames, etc...)
> After searching the internet, I realize that I need to get an
> tnsnames.ora, listener.ora and a sqlnet.ora file and get them
> configured correctly.
> Where do I get these files? and how do they get configured? and where
> do I put them?
> On one client, I was able to connect to one of our instances without
> using a tnsnames.ora file (I think i did the easy connect method)
> ...but we have a cluster of 8 instances and I need to connect to all of
> them for load balancing!
> I have read that there is an wizard in the OEM that will create these
> but I have unable to find it....
> (I need an "Intro to client configuration" guide)
> Thank you if anyone can point me in the right direction!
This should get you going,
Received on Wed Apr 19 2006 - 06:58:43 CDT