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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Explain plan execution
That is the parent operation. In this case, the NESTED LOOPS operation
has an ID of 2, which is the parent of the join between between steps 3
and 5. 3 would be executed first in the JOIN. It looks like it is
joining DM_SYSOBJECT_S to OS_DOCUMENT_S. It range scans
D_1F00C73D8000000F on DM_SYSOBJECT_S, whose results are then joined to
OS_DOCUMENT_S, by finding the matching rows using D_1F00C73D80000D01.
In terms of why one table is the driving table versus another, it depends on your data, statistics, optimizer_mode...nTH reason...
Steve Received on Fri Apr 14 2006 - 12:39:51 CDT