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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Backup en Caliente
If I try to recover the database, I have always to give a redo.log
file.(Although I try before o after the date of backup), because of the
contrary the system tell me that there is a problem with system.dbf:
ORA-01547: advertencia: RECOVER ha funcionado correctamente pero OPEN
obtendría el siguiente error
ORA-01195: la copia de seguridad online del archivo 1 necesita más
para ser consistente
ORA-01110: archivo de datos 1: 'D:\ORACLE\ORADATA\RECORV\SYSTEM01.DBF'
My idea was try to recover complete databae without using redo.log files or arcxx.log files.
I'll multiplex the redo.log files.
A last question: Is it possible to make a copy of redo.log files
without stopping database?.
Thanks. Received on Wed Apr 12 2006 - 03:44:04 CDT