"chani" <chanakam2000_at_gmail.com> wrote in message
> :::From: Brian Peasland - view profile
> :::Date: Tues, Apr 11 2006 12:00 am
> :::Create the sequence outside of the trigger. If you want three
> different
> :::sequences, then create three sequences
> Actually I don't know what is the exact number of sequences i want. It
> may be 3 or may be 100 or may be 9876 (any)
> Random. One thing i can do is having 9999 sequences (My maximum
> limit.). But I see that will not be a good solution.
> :::From: Sybrand Bakker - view profile
> :::Date: Tues, Apr 11 2006 3:29 am
> :::I'm very much in favor of learning people to fish, instead of
> :::spoonfeeding them. I already provided you with
> :::execute immediate
> :::and the autonomous transaction concept.
> :::They are not that difficult to look up in the doco.
> I'm very thank about your guide. I'm trying to learn your guide.
> My big problem is understanding technical English.
> These docs are contain horrible words.
> :::From: Joel Garry - view profile
> :::Date: Tues, Apr 11 2006 5:06 am
> :::What you probably want to do is have a parent table with the loan
> :::header information in it, and a detail table with the payment
> history,
> :::with a foreign key relationship between them. In your design
> :::normalization
> No my problem is not normalization.
> loan_payment is a weak entity set depends on loan.
> Its discrimintor is payment_number
> I want to generate sequences for these discriminators.
> Thank everyone who helped me.
> I still was not able to get solution (trying Sybrand Bakker's guide)
> Lokking at your further helps.
> If I could do I will tell all you it .
I think they have the docs in other languages. Do a search at
Received on Mon Apr 10 2006 - 23:17:51 CDT