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On 10 Apr 2006 10:21:44 -0700, "chani" <> wrote:
>Thank everyone who helped on my previous post.
>But I have to seek some more help from you.
>1. Can I create a sequence inside a trigger?
> =========================================
> I have two tables
> loan(loan_number,....)
> loan_payment(loan_number,payment_number,...) /*This is a weak
>set depend on loan*/
> I want to create sequences for each entity entered to loantable
> My requirement is to have
> payment_001,payment_002,... for loan_0001
> payment_001,payment_002,... for loan_0002
> payment_001,payment_002,... for loan_0003 .. & so on
>(I want to generate payment_number belong to a loan from sequence)
> for this I should have seperate sequence for each loan entry
> such as
> seq_loan001,
> seq_loan002,....
>I tried following sql trigger, But It says error
> ON loan
> IF inserting THEN
> CREATE SEQUENCE LP *** please see bottom ***
> start with 1
> increment by 1
> maxvalue 9999
> minvalue 1
> nocache
> nocycle
> noorder
> END;
>**** Here I want to generate sequence name dynamically
>(in the format of seq_loan001,...) But have no idea how to do it,
> can i use char functions here (need help for it also) */
>I tried to find answer in google (Searched for 'auto sequences',
>'Sequences in trigger' & some more clauses)
>I explained my problem in large text. Because I want you to understand
>my question.
>But I don't know how to explain some of them in english properly. I
>hope you will understand.
>Can you Please help me. (If this is not possible let me know it!)
The answer is
1 the idea is just horrible. It definitely won't scale. 2 the idea is just horrible. It definitely won't scale. 3 The idea is just horrible. If there was a prize for the mosthorrible idea in this forum each year, you have now won the prize. 4 Did I say the idea is horrible
-- Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Mon Apr 10 2006 - 12:35:14 CDT