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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: [SERVER 9.2 XP]Safe way to shutdown services wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm writing an ora_stop.bat file to stop the oracle services, but I'd
> like to make sure before using it.
> net stop oraclemtsrecoveyservice
> pause
> net stop oracleorahome92tnslistener
> pause
> net stop oracleservicecaramba
> pause
> net stop oracleservicepackbell
> Is it ok?
> Many thanks for your replies
Nobody can tell... the syntax is OK, but I have
not ever seen the services oracleorahome92tnslistener,
oracleservicecaramba, or oracleservicepackbell.
That depends on *your* installation, so nobody but you can tell...
Assuming the latter two are database services, the sequence is okay as well (MTS, Listener, Database), although there might be an agent service (*if* you have that installed), that needs stopping before you can stop the instances caramba and packbell.
Start the serveces in the sequence listener, instance, MTS.
-- Regards, Frank van Bortel Top-posting is one way to shut me up...Received on Sat Apr 01 2006 - 06:54:01 CST