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I am pasting here part of the installation documentation about kernel settings:
Kernel Parameter Settings for Tru64
For Tru64, use a text editor such as vi to change the kernel parameter settings in the /etc/sysconfigtab file after making a backup copy. If you have previously changed your kernel for another program to levels equal to or higher than the levels Oracle9i requires, then do not touch the settings. If the levels are too low, change them to at least as high as those in the table. If you change the settings, save the /etc/sysconfigtab file and restart the system. For example, if you need to change your SHM_MAX, SHM_MNI, SHM_SEG, PER_PROC_STACK_SIZE, and PER_PROC_DATA_SIZE parameter settings, add the following lines to the /etc/sysconfigtab file:
ipc: shm_max = 4278190080 shm_mni = 256 shm_seg = 128 proc: per_proc_stack_size = 33554432 per_proc_data_size = 201326592
Refer to the following table to determine if your system shared memory and semaphore kernel parameters are set high enough for Oracle9i.
To determine the current kernel parameter settings, use the following command:
# /sbin/sysconfig -q ipc
The parameters in the following table are the recommended values to run Oracle9i with a single database instance on Tru64.
Kernel Parameter Setting Purpose
(32 MB) Defines the processor stack size. The default size is
sufficient for Oracle9i software. If an application that shares the
system with Oracle9i requires a higher per process stack size, do not
set this parameter higher than 512 MB.
(32 MB)
Defines the processor stack size. The default size is sufficient for
Oracle9i software. If an application that shares the system with
Oracle9i requires a higher per process stack size, do not set this
parameter higher than 512 MB.
(192 MB)
Defines the minimum per process data segment size.
SHM_MAX 4278190080
(4GB less 16 MB)
Defines the maximum allowable size of the shared memory. The SHM_MAX
parameter does not affect how much shared memory is used or needed by
Oracle9i, the operating system, or the operating system kernel.
SHM_MIN 1 Defines the minimum allowable size of a single shared
memory segment.
SHM_MNI 256 Defines the maximum number of shared memory segments in
the entire system.
SHMSEG 128 Defines the maximum number of shared memory segments one
process can attach.
Pl. refer
where all details are given.
You should have the settings as given here or more..Also go through
entire manual for all details..
N. Received on Wed Sep 28 2005 - 10:06:57 CDT