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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: default port for EM
On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 11:11:13 -0700, epipko interested us by writing:
> OracleDBConsole<name> is running.
> So I see port 1158 and I type: http://IP:1158/em and ... "page cannot
> be displayed"
I doubt very much that it is port 1158. That sounds more like the one for the agent. There should be one around 5500 listed in your portlist.ini file - something like
Enterprise Manager Console HTTP Port (orcl) = 5500
where orcl is the database instance name that you have shown as <name> and where the port 5500 replaces your 1158.
If that doesn't help, post the contents of your portlist.ini file.
-- Hans Forbrich Canada-wide Oracle training and consulting mailto: *** I no longer assist with top-posted newsgroup queries ***Received on Fri Sep 23 2005 - 14:00:46 CDT