BD wrote:
>>I don't think that is true. Set newname will relocate the datafiles.
> Okay, I'll try it - but this is a direct quote from the documentation:
> "RMAN duplication has the following restrictions. You cannot:
> Use image copies located on one host to create a duplicate database on
> a new host.
> You must either use tape backups or create the image copies in the same
> file location in the new host. "
> Maybe I'm reading this wrong... Maybe it's saying that the RMAN
> executable is not able to relocate files to different hosts on its own
> (the files must be copied by FTP or RCP)...?
> But, if someone out there's done it, it's worth a go.
> I'll give it a go and see what happens.
I think the 8i documentation is just loosely worded. The documentation for
9iR2 states:
If the target and duplicate databases reside on different hosts, then you must do one of the
following for duplication to be successful:
- Move backups and disk copies from the target host to the duplicate host and CATALOG the
image copies.
- Make sure that all backups and copies (disk or sbt) on the target host are remotely
accessible from the duplicate host.
Make sure that the archived redo logs are available in the expected location in the new host.
The key is: they must be *accessible* at the same location. So you shouldn't get into trouble if you
just use an NFS mount to get to the backups (but the location, aka the path must be the same on both
Received on Thu Sep 22 2005 - 13:59:13 CDT