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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: db_block_size wrote in
> Hi all,
> I have a question about db_block_size.
> OS - Win 2003
> D/b - Oracle 9.2
> We have a reporting d/base with block size of 8192K.
> I wonder if we'll have better performance by increasing the block size
> to 16 or more, for instanse, since all we do is run "selects.." from
> there. I also wonder if pctused/pctfree needs to be modified as well.
> Thanks,
> Eugene
Rather than just wonder, I suggest that you actually run some benchmarks.
Do you always take "professional" advice from strangers? Who is accountable if the advice you get here is WRONG? Received on Mon Sep 19 2005 - 21:56:13 CDT