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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: 10g server won't start on XP
On 14 Sep 2005 11:01:48 -0700, "Jeff C" <>
>In XP's Administrative Tools --> Services I want
>to start:
>OracleServicesJeffDB1 (this starts ok)
The above line demonstrates the database DID start.
Fire up a dos box, type
set oracle_sid=JeffDB1
and verify you can connect to the database.
Both the listener and the intelligent agent don't function. As you didn't post the relevant listener.ora, services.ora, snmp_rw.ora and snmp_ro.ora no help here.
I truly hope this wasn't an Oracle class.
-- Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Wed Sep 14 2005 - 13:08:44 CDT