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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: V$SQL_PLAN.HASH_VALUE = V$SQL.PLAN_HASH_VALUE ?
Spendius wrote:
> Hi,
> Can the new column PLAN_HASH_VALUE of V$SQL be used
> to join this table to the various V$SQL_PLAN* tables
PLAN_HASH_VALUE is a hierarchical aggregated total of the non-volatile
columns from V$SQL_PLAN. (Well, it might be not calculated exactly this
way, but thats the idea).
HASH_VALUE in numerous v$sql derivative views is a surrogate SQL statement identifier. Numerous other columns (SQL_ID, SQL_SIGNATURE, ADDRESS) reflect a confusion about what is considered SQL statement identity. Received on Thu Sep 08 2005 - 18:52:41 CDT