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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: How to capture information to analyze high load peak?
Noons wrote:
> One more quick thing:
> if you run statspack frequently and you have a busy system with lots
> and lots of concurrent SQL, watch out for disk space use.
> The default cleanup procedure does *not* clean up all rows
> created by statspack. You need to clean them manually.
> At least until A common trap that can cause a lot
> of teeth-grinding. DAMHIKT...
IIRC sppurge.sql has a part of sql commented out which does the
cleanup you talk about.
Uncommenting that sql should clean things up fairly nicely .. at least
that has been my experience...
Anurag Received on Thu Sep 08 2005 - 18:20:26 CDT