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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Trigger on table with many fields
Użytkownik michaelg napisał:
> Hi there,
> I have a problem using a trigger on a table with many field (>150).
> This is the trigger :
> create or replace trigger trg_tst
> after insert or update on tst_table1
> For each row
> declare lfd number(10);
> begin
> select test_seq.nextval into lfd from dual;
> insert into tst_table2
^^^^^^^^ here specify columns of tst2.
> values
> (:new.field1,
> :new.field2,
> :new.field3,
> .
> .
> :new.field150
> lfd);
Here specify what of data from tst_table1 goes to tst_table2, and get trigger compiled.
> end:
Since there is a bunch o columns you get into typing exercise.
-- NoelReceived on Mon Sep 05 2005 - 05:01:25 CDT