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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Archive Processes
On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 14:49:49 -0700, Joel Garry wrote:
> Your problem is fixed in 10g. See
> The essential problem is that no arch process is dedicated local -
> Oracle starts up as many arch processes as it needs, but eventually they
> all get stuck waiting for the network.
Weeeeelllll, there is an unsupported, undocumented solution which works with 9.2 as well.... Of course, it involves an underscore parameter: _LOG_ARCHIVE_CALLOUT = 'LOCAL_FIRST=TRUE' If the above parameter is set then the ARCH process will begin archiving to the local destination first. Once the redo log has been completely and successfully archived to at least one local destination, it will then be transmitted to the remote destination.
-- http://www.mgogala.comReceived on Thu Sep 01 2005 - 21:47:04 CDT