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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Getting ora-04068 errors intermittently
Excerion wrote:
> Hi
> Im making an access app that uses Oracle9i as its database
> and just recently im starting to get these ora-04068 errors.
> the error itself is always about one particular package in the database
> that i've made. Now the common cause for this type of error from
> what i've read is that the package was recompiled at the sametime as a
> user was using the package.
> Unfortunately this cannot be the case for me since the database has
> always been untouched when the users are getting this error.
> I've also read that if packages / procedures that are used in my
> package gets recompiled that the same error will occur.
> I'm using this SQL to check for invalid dependencies :
> ------------------------------------------------------
> FROM all_objects t
> WHERE t.object_name IN
> ------------------------------------------------------
> But i have yet to find any dependencies that is invalid, and as i said
> before no one is tampering with the database while these errors occur.
> So does anyone have any ideas ?
why not compile every invalid object which is found in user_objects ?
btw. did you create/alter objects in any of your code ?
stefan kapitza Received on Thu Sep 01 2005 - 05:48:04 CDT