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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: How do I change the interpreted decimal character in an external table file
Jaap W. van Dijk wrote:
> Doug, I'm not looking for the handling of delimiter characters BETWEEN
> fields, but the handling of a comma as a decimal point WITHIN a field.
> So if a fields contains
> 12,345
> I want Oracle to interpret this as 12 units and 345thousandths of a
> unit, and NOT twelve thousand three hundred and fourtyfive or error on
> this value.
You can specify the CHARACTERSET in the table creation DDL.
For example if you specify italian you'll find your delimiter for that
table is the comma.
The american has the point.
Maybe there is a better way to achieve the same result... but personally I use this one when dealing with external tables.
-- Fabrizio Magni replace mycontinent with europeReceived on Tue Aug 30 2005 - 13:37:21 CDT