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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: NewBie question: 9i query runs slower than same query on 8i? wrote:
> I've a Oracle 9i db installed on a server elsewhere.
> I've a program that runs a query using ODBC.
> I installed oracle 8i (OraHome8i ODBC) on my machine and run the
> program - works fine.
> I then install oracle 9i on my machine. then run the program using the
> 9i driver (OraHome9i ODBC)and the query takes about 5 times as long.
> The query hasn't changed.
> What do I need to change in 9i setup or configuration to get it to run
> the same as 8i.
It is not clear if you've installed a full 8i installation (and, yes, Oracle release number, all four digits, IS important) or simply the client. Same for the '9i' installation. And, 9i is both 9.0.1 and 9.2.0, and they are different, as 9.2.0 fixed a number of problems encountered with 9.0.1.
State the full release number for both installations, and whether or not these were simply the client or the full dbms. Possibly then someone can assist you further than you've already been helped.
David Fitzjarrell Received on Mon Aug 29 2005 - 12:02:25 CDT