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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: NewBie question: 9i query runs slower than same query on 8i?
DA Morgan wrote:
>> Thanks for you responses, but
>> The Oracle database hasn't changed, it still is the same db running on
>> the same remote server( not local on my machine).
> Wrong answer ... it is a completely different database by definition.
> Different data dictionary, different system tablespace, different
> rollback/undo tablespace, different temp tablespace, hopefully a
> different tablespace type, definitely different initialization
> parameters.
How is it a completely different database by definition when the OP has stated that the only thing that's changing here is the client ODBC installation? Same query, same (remote) database, just a different client installation ...
I'm confused.
-- Doug Burns - Oracle DBA http://oracledoug.blogspot.comReceived on Mon Aug 29 2005 - 04:01:16 CDT