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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Script for performing clean shutdown before windows shutdown
<> wrote in message
> Andreas Sheriff wrote:
> ...snipped...
> > > Again, this is surprising advice from a professed OCP.
> >
> > OCP, 6 years Oracle experience and twelve years programming experience
> > all kinds of languages and operating systems.
> >
> > Again, this is surprising advice form a professed Oracle Professional
> > without credentials.
> >
> That I choose to NOT wear my 'credentials' on my sleeve is of no
> concern to you, nor is it any indication I have none. I, also, am an
> Oracle Certified Professional, with over 17 years of professional
> Oracle database administration experience. Your questions have been
> answered in the documentation and in this newsgroup many times before,
> and your rationale has fallen on its face more than once. I stand by
> the statements I made; it's sad you can't argue a point with fact
> rather than with personal insults.
> My comments on your OCP 'credentials' were not made as insults, merely
> as commentary on your 'apparent' knowledge of the database system and
> your willingness to accept fallacious argument as fact.
> I believe an apology is in order.
> > >
> > >> --
> > >>
> > >> Andreas Sheriff
> > >> Oracle 9i Certified Professional
> > >> Oracle 10g Certified Professional
> > >> Oracle 9i Certified PL/SQL Developer
> > >> ----
> > >> "If you don't eat your meat, you cannot have any pudding.
> > >> "How can you have any pudding, if you don't eat your meat?"
> > >>
> > >> Reply only to the group.
> > >
> > >
> > > David FItzjarrell
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Andreas
> > Oracle 9i Certified Professional
> > Oracle 10g Certified Professional
> > Oracle 9i Certified PL/SQL Developer
> >
> >
> > "If you don't eat your meat, you cannot have any pudding.
> > "How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?!?!"
> > ---
> >
> > Reply to me only on this newsgroup
> David Fitzjarrell
I apologize for attacking your 17 year history as a DBA and your
accomplished certification.
My reaction was a knee-jerk response from your statement stating "again,
this is surprising advice from a professed OCP." Your choice of words
skewed the meaning of your expression and led me to believe that you were
insulting and attacking my successful efforts at gaining OCP certification
and the further advancement of my knowledge in Oracle.
I do respect and admire your 17 year history as a DBA and welcome any advice that you have to share. However, you must agree that you are human, and being human you are capable of mistakes. And executing a mistake for 17 years does not make it correct. The following is a true story giving an example that a mistake can be replicated for many years without being caught.
One of my classes during my college years was "Compiler Construction for the C Language." The professor was very accomplished in his carrer and quite advanced in his knowledge. Everything he had said and shown the students about compiler construction was useful and correct, until he blatantly stated "the complier needs to separate tokens from identifiers. The way it does this is by naming the token with an illegal identifier name. The illegal name it constructs uses an underscore to start the name of the token because a C identifier cannot begin with an underscore." I stopped writing and looked up in amazement. I was pretty sure I didn't hear this, but then he stated it again, and again, and again. At the end of the class I sought him alone to correct him on his mistake, so that the other students wouldn't be misled into thinking that a C identifier couldn't begin with an underscore. At first he was resistant to what I had to say, thinking that I was arrogant and confrontational. Then, after he went home, and returned to class the following week, having researched the rules for naming identifiers in the K&R book he came to the conclusion that his statement about identifiers are illegal when begun with an understore was inaccurate. He corrected the class and acknowledged my correction. After the class, I again met him alone and explained that I was not trying to be arrogant nor confrontational. I was simply trying to correct him on an error that would mislead the students and students to come. His respons was, "I can't believe I was teaching it wrong for all these years..."
David, again I apologize for attacking your 17 year history as a DBA and
your accomplished certification. I shold have taken a lesson in
phenomenology in stating my case that the SHUTDOWN ABORT command should only
be used in exceptional circumstances and stated only the facts instead of
having a knee-jerk reaction.
The fact being that SHUTDOWN ABORT, as witten in the Oracle manual, should
only be used for exceptional instances and not for a normal shutdown
procedure. The OP may have had problemns with normal shutdown on computer
restart. Perhaps he should research why the agents, etc, prevented a normal
shutdown, correct the anomalies, and be able to use a normal shutdown on
computer restart. Imprementing the aforementiond script brought up in
previous posts for shutting down an instance on computer restart seems like
a kludge, and that a better solution might be to research why a normal
shutdown cannot be performed.
-- Andreas Sheriff Oracle 9i Certified Professional Oracle 10g Certified Professional Oracle 9i Certified PL/SQL Developer ---- "If you don't eat your meat, you cannot have any pudding. "How can you have any pudding, if you don't eat your meat?" DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL Reply only to the group.Received on Sat Aug 27 2005 - 17:13:01 CDT
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