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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: instrumentation
prunoki wrote:
> Thanks a lot. How can you log the pl/sql stack?
Static state variable called FORMAT_CALL_STACK maintained in the DBMS_UTILITY package. It is a varchar2(4096) variable.
I use the following to access the call stack:
A call stack item desription:
create or replace type TPLSQLStackItem as object
handle varchar2(50), object_name varchar2(200), line_number number
The call stack dynamic array:
create or replace type TPLSQLStackTable as table of TPLSQLStackItem;
Then I've coded the following object type as stack interface:
create or replace type TPLSQLStack as object
stack TPLSQLStackTable,
constructor function TPLSQLStack return self as result
create or replace type body TPLSQLStack as
constructor function TPLSQLStack return self as result is
stack$ varchar2(4096) default dbms_utility.format_call_stack;
i$ integer;
line$ varchar2(255);
handle$ varchar2(50); lineno$ integer; object$ varchar2(200);
i$ := INSTR( stack$, chr(10) ); exit when ( i$ is NULL or i$ = 0 ); line$ := SUBSTR( stack$, 1, i$-1 ); stack$ := SUBSTR( stack$, i$+1 ); if INSTR( line$, 'PL/SQL Call Stack' ) > 0 then line$ := ''; end if; if (line$ LIKE '%object%line%object%') then line$ := ''; end if; if (line$ LIKE '%handle%number%name') then line$ := ''; end if; if line$ is not NULL then i$ := INSTR( line$, ' ' ); handle$ := SUBSTR( line$, 1, i$-1 ); lineno$ := TO_NUMBER( TRIM( SUBSTR( line$, i$+1, 9 ) ) ); object$ := TRIM( SUBSTR( line$, i$+10 ) ); self.stack.Extend; self.stack( self.stack.Last ) := TPLSQLStackItem( handle$, object$, lineno$ ); end if;
end; -- of type body
To use. e.g.
SQL> declare
2 call TPLSQLStack;
3 begin
4 call := NEW TPLSQLStack(); 5 for i in 6 loop 7 W( 'level:'|| i ||' object:'|| call.stack(i).object_name ||' line:'|| call.stack(i).line_number ); 8 end loop;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
I define a column with type TPLSQLStackTable in my applog table (as a nested table column). Then I simply whack the results of the TPLSQLStack stack member into there via my applog API. Very useful for debugging after the fact.
-- BillyReceived on Tue Aug 23 2005 - 01:20:55 CDT
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