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Be an ontruder: Intrude on Oracle panties the OMLETiclios way, the front door!

From: DonBurlesonIsASackOfManur <>
Date: 19 Aug 2005 12:12:36 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Oracle's Password Transform


   information will be the same on both machines.

The Algorithm:

Convert user name and password to uppercase 'normal' form. Normal form

uses 16 bits to represent each character, and it is independant of language
and the computer's character set (acsii or ebcdic).

Concatenate normalized user name and password. Pad result to multiple of
64 bits. Zero padding is better than some rolling xor algorithm, since

later produces redundant information that an attacker can use to check for the correctness of a guess. The result is called UPLONG.

Compute cryptographic checksum of UPLONG using a known key and the cipher
block chaining mode of DES. The known key is hex 0123456789ABCDEF. The
idea is to extract 56 suitable bits from the password. The CBC64 (cipher
block chain with 64 bit feedback path) checksum makes good use of the bits
in a long password, and it speads out the redundant information that is

present due to the fact that the 'normal' form uses 16 bits per character.
The feedback path is 64 bits, not the standard 8 bits because it generates
a more uniform distribution. See Alan T. Sherman's PhD thesis (MIT 1987)
for justification.

It isn't hard to invert the checksum we just found (the key is known), so
now we hide this result by using it as the key to compute another checksum
on the uplong array. That checksum will be used as the authentication parameter for the user. Note that DES has the property that given a matching block of plaintext and ciphertext is is still quite hard to find
the key that mapped the plaintext into the ciphertext.

We could use the first checksum as a key to encrypt a constant, but it seems safer to use non-constant data like the information in the UPLONG

array. If nothing else this makes a dictionary attack harder.

Note that an attacker must now solve two simultaneous equations for P:

        k1 = checksum( k0, U || P )
        k2 = checksum( k1, U || P )

Where 'U || P' is the username concatenated with the password (U is known,
P is not), k0 is the known key, k1 is the first checksum, and k2 is the

value placed in the authentication table.

Convert the second checksum value into a machine independent form. Since we are not short on characters, express it as a hex string. Received on Fri Aug 19 2005 - 14:12:36 CDT

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