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Re: Estimating the space requirements of a disk

From: HansF <>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 14:38:47 GMT
Message-Id: <>

On Thu, 18 Aug 2005 04:40:22 -0700, vijaya.namala interested us by writing:

> I was asked to write a general procedure to estimate the space
> requirements of a database .The database may be an OLTP or OLAP .The
> database may grow very large .

An answer to meet the precision of the question: you will need a lot of disk. At least 3 GB, and increasing to slightly more than the 'verfy large' that the database might grow.

> I was in the process of finding out all the components which are to be
> considered in doing that. From some books and sites , i got to know
> some components which iam listing out here.
> S/W

Defined in the installation manual and variable based on options.

> 2.system tablespace

Minimum as defined by a default installation and growing based on the dictionary requirements

> 3.RBS tablespace , RBS_2 tablespace(optional)

(Use UNDO instead or RBS!!!) Minimum based on the transaction requirements and maximum based on information obtained by the flaashback query advisor.

> 4.Data

Big. No, bigger.

> 5 indexes

Why are you indexing?

> 6.Temp tablespace , temp_2 tablespace (optional)

As needed to support the user requirements.

> 7.Tools tablespace

None. Unless you want a tools tablespace.

> 8 control files

How are you backing up? Are you using rman?

> 9 redo log files

Based on transaction and recovery requirements.

> 10.archived redo log files

 Not needed unless you are in archive log mode, and then based on backup  nd recovery business rules.

> Please suggest me whether these components are sufficient or there are
> additional components which are to be considered .

Some additional components may e used. These are spelled out in the Administrator's manual. Also refer to the Utilities manual for non-database support files.

> Also please tell me " what is the maximum size of system tablespace " .
> I have oracle 9i on windows NT.

Simple - look in the Oracle Reference manual where you will find ALL the database size limits.

Hans Forbrich                           
Canada-wide Oracle training and consulting
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Received on Thu Aug 18 2005 - 09:38:47 CDT

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