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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Rman - Curious Question wrote:
> My I speak off the record?
> What if I had 1 terabyte of data? Are you saying that in order to
> duplicate my entire database, I'd have to copy 1 terabyte of data to
> the remote host, then perform the DUPLICATE operation, which would
> result in at least another terabyte of information.
> What if I do not have enough disk space?
> I'm sorry, but this is a real bad thing and I think Oracle should
> change it and allow the backup files to be in the same directory on any
> server, as long as they are accessible via Net8........
I know this is an old thread but I thought I'd throw in my .02.
I believe what you want to do *is* possible if you are using a media manager and willing to think a little outside the box. You have to trick the MM into thinking it's restoring to the same host the pieces were originally backed up from. This can usually be accomplished by hacking the MM's config file. Back it up first, hack it and change the host name it thinks it's running on, do your duplication, and restore the config file back to it's original contents.
There are some folks on this NG who never change. They elevate themselves by berating others. They deceive themselves into thinking they are the ultimate source of information for all things Oracle. In reality Often they offer more insults and hot air than actual help. They just go on insulting others while offering little that's constructive to the conversation. My suggestion is to killfile them. Sybrand is one such person and has been in my killfile for several years. Don't let him or anyone else with such an attitude get under your skin. It's a mistake I've made in the past but at least have learned from it. People who don't want to answer the same questions repeatedly should ignore them or stop using Usenet. That's what it's there for.
-- To reply by email remove "_nospam"Received on Wed Aug 17 2005 - 08:42:43 CDT
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