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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Please Help DB Buffer Cache Size
Hi Everyone
I am using Oracle 9i, Rel 9.0.1, running on Windows 2000 Server. Server
is HP Proliant, with 1 GB Memory.
My Buffer Cache Size was initially set to 80 MB, and I turned the
Buffer Cache Advice on. After couple of days, from the Advise, I saw
that If i increase the Cache Size to 140 MB, my estimated physical
reads will reduce drastically, so i increased the buffer_cache size
Now, after two days of usage, I see this from the V_$DB_CACHE_ADVICE
SIZE BUFFERS READ_FACTOR ESTD_PHYSICAL_READS 14.5898 3735 20.7779 650131988 29.1797 7470 20.263 634019482 43.7695 11205 20.0122 626171180 58.3594 14940 19.9254 623456264 72.9492 18675 19.7237 617145677 87.5391 22410 2.2776 71265931 102.1289 26145 1.8634 58306198 116.7188 29880 1.7465 54648678 131.3086 33615 1.4881 46563459 145.8984 37350 1 31289544 160.4883 41085 0.9857 30842855 175.0781 44820 0.981 30695355 189.668 48555 0.9746 30493991 204.2578 52290 0.9727 30434138 218.8477 56025 0.4692 14680325 233.4375 59760 0.2988 9348170 248.0273 63495 0.2699 8445659 262.6172 67230 0.2656 8309936 277.207 70965 0.2637 8251755 291.7969 74700 0.2621 8201407
Should I increase my DB Buffer Cache to 250 MB in this case, or I am
not understanding it properly.
Please Advice
Thanks in Advance
Brijesh Mathew Received on Tue Aug 16 2005 - 00:06:56 CDT