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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Commit
prg wrote:
> I am updating 10 million records. The query has to make joins with
> multiple tables and it's a time consuming process. I would like to
> autocommit every record as it is found by the subquery. How can i do it
> ?
> Thanks !
A better question to ask is 'Why do you WANT to do it?' Performing such commits can lead to ORA-01555 errors, and they have not gone away with 9i and later releases, they're simply far less frequent as automatic Undo management handles these quite nicely. Commiting your work after each row updated is, to be blunt, foolish especially if you have 10 million rows to update. Also there is the issue of multiple rows updated for the same criteria, making your commit after each row updated impossible.
There is some reason you have for asking this; provide more information and we'll possibly provide a better solution than that for which you've asked.
David Fitzjarrell Received on Wed Aug 10 2005 - 13:19:51 CDT