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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Urgent -Formated windows and need to restore
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Ach C via wrote:
> Hi all,
> My windows has formatted
Obviously this did not occur on its own. You formatted Windows for what reason?
> and now I have only my oracle useless files.My last
> backup is about 1 week old so I want to restore datafiles without using that
> backup and just by datafiles and controlfiles and ...
You have a presumably valid backup, yet you do NOT want to use it? I fail to understand the reasoning of that request.
> Do you know how is it possible? Can I install new oracle and create a
> tablespace with using old datafiles?
That isn't likely, as there are many pieces of information in the database file headers that would prevent such an act. Either use the backup you have to restore the database or create a new database entirely and start from scratch (unless you have also exported your data and can import into the new database).
> PS: I was in archivedlog mode.
> -Thanks
> --
> Message posted via
David Fitzjarrell Received on Wed Aug 10 2005 - 08:25:48 CDT