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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> re:Limit on the number of records to read through a cursor?
I'm experiencing the same problem, after porting a 32 bits linux Pro*C
application to HP-UX 64 bits. Oracle server is 8.1.7. Client 8.1.7.
was used on linux, and 9 on the HP-UX. Pro*C has release number on linux, and on our new HP-UX. The HP-UX
connects to the same 8.1.7 server.
Probably nothing to do with 32/64 problem, cause the whole application
compiles and runs on a True64 perfectly (with client version of 8).
A c++ method, what declares a cursor, fetches all results, then reuses the cursor with changing one of the parameters causes the problem. After opening it sencond time, does not wants to fetch more than 2 rows. The third one generates ORA-01455. If I restrict the data set of the second fetch to 2 rows, then the third fetch dies exactly at the third row again. The first fetch contains hundreds of rows (fetched without any problem). Received on Tue Aug 09 2005 - 09:52:40 CDT