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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Backing up 1 TB database
We're implementing SAP on IBM AIX V5.3 with Oracle 9i and we have
several databases that are almost 1 TB in size. Currently we do the
backup by:
1) put db in backup mode 2) flash (IBM shark) from the source disk to a target disk 3) take db out of backup mode 4) mount target disk 5) use "save" command to back up to Legato 6) unmount target disk
How do other people handle backups of databases that are this large? I've heard there are products that do incremental backups--would that work with the "flash" scenario I've mentioned? Is Legato the way to go? Is there something better?
Sorry if these are stupid questions... I'm an AIX admin...
Thank you Received on Thu Aug 04 2005 - 09:31:43 CDT