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Re: No future for DB2

From: Noons <>
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2005 00:22:31 +1000
Message-ID: <42f0d327$0$11937$>

Madison Pruet apparently said,on my timestamp of 3/08/2005 11:13 PM:
> Noons.. Again I quote from your posting...
> "If I understand your question correctly, that is not possible
> with ANY replication in any database version."

that is NOT what I posted initially and which prompted your intervention. I wrote:
<quote>He's correct in that he's mistaken. Snapshot replication (basic replication) *is* available in Standard Edition, 9i. Advanced replication (master2master) is only in EE. 10g might have changed that, but that will be another reason for people not to upgrade...</quote>

YOU jumped in with your views on replication. Which BTW match no one else's and no one cares what YOU consider snapshot replication to be or not.

And if you care to read the above CAREFULLY, you'll realize that I said "any database version" in the context of an Oracle database reply. I don't give a rat's arse what ANY other database does and I was replying to an Oracle question.

> comp.databases.informix, If you do not want
> to post in comp.databases.informix, then all you have to do is to remove
> comp.databases.informix from the newsgroup entry before you post.

If you have SUCH A BIG problem with cross-posting, HOW COME it's only now you're piping about it? Hmmmm?

FYI: I'll post wherever and whenever I want and NOTHING you say will stop that. Get used to it and drop the "educational" bits, I don't give a hoot what you think about x-posting. Get over it.

> so be it. That is not my problem. But by stating any database version, you
> opened the comparision to all systems -

No I most definitely did not. If you had followed the thread and the context, you'd have understood that. You were just dying to jump in with the pretend feature of your pet product.

> And now all you seem to be able to do is to throw insults at me.

I'll throw whatever I want, whenever I want. Now grow up or get lost, you and your "I'm so offended" CRAP. Capice?

Nuno Souto
in sunny Sydney, Australia
Received on Wed Aug 03 2005 - 09:22:31 CDT

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