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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> multiple runs with the same ref cursor?
Ok iv'e been working on this problem for some time now; and haven't
really figured anything out. I need to run my ref cursor multiple
times, depending on how many of the check boxes the user selects. Let
me example, I have a form which has four check boxes, with a text box.
The user can either search in the title, approach, scope, or objective;
the user also has the option to search all the fields, three of the
fields; basically any combination. Note each field is a column in table
projects. My question is, say the user wants to search the scope and
the objective, how do I have the cursor save the information from the
first search, (scope) and i guess append the second search,
(objective), to the ref cursor. If someone can tell me want needs to be
done, I would be very apprecitive.
Here is my api..
for i in 1..location_array.Count
out_error_message := out_error_message || '[' || location_array(i)
|| ']';
'select distinct score(1) score, projectid from project '
|| ' where contains('||location_array(1)||', :b1, 1) > 0 order by
score desc ' using word_to_search;
location_array is an array of the columns that the suer wants to search, i thought that this may work but it doesn't i need some type of temp varaible i beleive.
for i in 1..location_array.Count
'select distinct score(1) score, projectid from project '
|| ' where contains('||location_array(i)||', :b1, 1) > 0 order by
score desc ' using word_to_search;
Thanks any help will do,
Received on Tue Aug 02 2005 - 13:47:37 CDT
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