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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: ORA-04031 yet 40% of 'free memory' in V$SGASTAT
Been in this exact situation, as recently as last week on
have you checked Metalink for articles on this?
(They are helpful)
you're going to need to take a couple of approaches on this.
Long term:
identify and rewrite non-sharable SQL to properly use bind variables.
Short term:
pin frequently used packages (and other objects) using
(you'll need to put this in a startup trigger for it to be persistent)
increase the size of the shared_pool_reserved_size
set the init parameter cursor_sharing=force
if all else fails, flush the shared_pool periodically (automatically).
such changes should be tested first, but if your users are getting ora-4031 errors, some triage has to occur immediately.
Before you do anything, I'd glean from v$sql what the worst offenders are in terms of non-reusable sql.
There are a large number of articles on this topic available on the internet.
-bdbafh Received on Thu Mar 31 2005 - 15:41:03 CST