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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: why CTAS faster than Insert select?
"linda" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I've been testing the performance between Create Table As Select (CTAS)
> vs Insert Select for large volume of data (40 million records or so).
> Both in nologging mode, parallel, etc. It consistently shows that CTAS
> faster than Insert Select. My understanding is that, if you parallel
> both create/insert process and select process, then theoratically they
> should perform about the same (same amount of work, same number of
> parallel processes, minimum redo and undo...). Could anybody explain
> why this is the case?
> Thanks,
> Linda
Can you supply a few more details:
Which version of Oracle
What are typical times for the events.
How much redo is generated for the two cases
How much time is recorded in v$session_event
How much CPU time is recorded in v$sesstat
Framework of the two tests
(but don't bother to show the full text of the select statement)
Can you check:
For the CTAS you are doing:
create table XXX nologging as select ...
For the insert you are doing:
create table XXX ( .. ) nologging -- or similar insert /*+ append */ into XXX select ...
The insert is not 'nologging' unless the table has been declared as nologging. The append hint only stops the generation of undo.
Jonathan Lewis The Co-operative Oracle Users' FAQ Public Appearances - schedule updated March 9th 2005 Received on Wed Mar 30 2005 - 16:24:53 CST