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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: creating new database
On 30 Mar 2005 06:12:45 -0800, (gaddoz) wrote:
>Hi all,
>i'm trying to create a second database on oracle server instance.
>First, I've run db configuration assistant, creating a new db.
>Then I've run enterprise manager configuration assistant, creating a new repository.
>Now I can see only the new db from the enterprise manager console Standalone,
>and not when I'm logging to the Oracle Management Server.
>Where I'm wrong? What can I do?
>I'm not understanding the difference between standalone and OMS,
>but maybe this is not the only thing i'm not undestanding! :P
>Thank you for your patience.
An Oracle Management Server can manage multiple databases. To
accomplish this, it needs 1 repository. If you created a repository in
the first database, you don't need to create a repository in the
second database. Right now, you probably have two independent
repositories, however, only the first one has an Oracle Management
Server connected to it.
You need to connect to the Management Server to discover the new
database and everything should be OK.
If you connect standalone, you bypass the OMS, and connect to the database directly. Consequently you can't use the features of OMS like running batch jobs, dealing with events and so on.
-- Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Wed Mar 30 2005 - 09:41:38 CST