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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Upgrade from Oracle 8i -> Oracle 9i
nospam wrote:
> Hi..All,
> We are upgrading from Oracle 8i -> Oracle 9i. We do have
> materialized view, partitions, views, indexes in the 8i.
> What can be the risks involved in upgrading?
I have been in charge of similar migrations several times. Usually, these migrations were designed as several month long projects with from tens to hundreds mandays spend only in an application testing. There are quite a lot of risks related to this process but without a deep knowledge of your environment and applications involved it is hard to tell. According to my experiences I can give you only this advice:
Read! (release notes, Metalink, newsgroups, books, ...) Plan! (realistic milestones, people, schedule, tools) Test! (application, infrastructure, performance, migration process)Manage! (sources, time, people, unrealistic business expectations, risks)
... and one last one. If you do not have enough skilfull and experienced people in house, hire someone. Because doing change like this in more complex environment without experienced staff is a sure ticket to serious problems.
-- Dusan BolekReceived on Wed Mar 30 2005 - 04:34:46 CST