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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: INSERT millions_of_rows, how to COMMIT every 10,000 rows ?
One option could be you can generate an insert script from the old
table for every row and set the autocommit to 10000.
Another easier option could be, if you are using the toad, you generate
the insert statement for the old table and change the name of the name
with find and replace option. And toad itself creates commit statement
for number of records which you specify while generating the script.
Else you have write only a PL/SQL .
Hope this helps...
RBs wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want to insert millions of rows from old table into new table.
> (different in structure, so that I have manipulate in the query)
> INSERT INTO [new table] SELECT ... FROM [old table]
> How can I do COMMIT for every 10,000 rows ?
> Thank you for your help,
> Krist
Received on Tue Mar 29 2005 - 05:17:13 CST