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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: What information is stored in the redo change vectors exactly ?
A redo record is made up of one or more redo change vectors. A redo change vector describes a change to a block in the database.
For example, until 10g, a committed transaction that did a single update to an unindexed table would produce:
Change record 1
change vector 1
describing the acquisition of a slot in a rollback segment header Change record 2
change vector 1
describing previous version of material in the table block (plus some
information about previous versions of data in the segment header) change vector 2
describing the new version of material in the table block Change record 3
change vector 1
describing the release of the slot in the rollback segment header (It is this record that is the 'commit record' described in the manuals)
A change vector typically holds information like:
This is an 'update row piece' operation The fourth column of the third row in the block should be 'X' The lock byte for this row should be set to 3 The third ITL entry in the block should be set to 'yyyyyyyyy'
plus various bits of cross-reference material
-- Regards Jonathan Lewis The Co-operative Oracle Users' FAQ Public Appearances - schedule updated March 9th 2005 "Deepa balu via" <> wrote in message on Tue Mar 29 2005 - 03:21:34 CST
> In concepts it is mentioned that "Redorecords are change vectors
> describing
> a single atomic change to the database."
> So In case of recovery these redorecords are applied to recover the
> changes done.
> What exactly these redorecords contain.
> Do they contain all the queries,commit/rollback which are executed on the
> database
> What information is stored in the vectors exactly ?
> --
> Message posted via