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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> pls-00597
I have 9.2.01 installed on my Windows notebook and I am wondering if my
problem (see below) is fixed in or .4 (the only other 9i
versions available for download on Oracle's website). Thank you for any
help you can provide. I know that this isn't an issue with, but
that is at the office and I really want to do this work at home.
I get the following msg
pls-00597: expression 's_tbl_s_to_delete_rcds' in the INTO list is of wrong type
when I try executing a procedure with
CURSOR c_to_delete IS SELECT * FROM ( SELECT fld1, fld2, substr( s.image, 45, 21 ) s_l_n, row_number() over( PARTITION BY Ifpl.i_f_M_H_P, Ifpl.i_f_M_N, Ifpl.i_f_L_N, Ifpl.i_f_L_C, substr( s.image, 45, 21 ) ORDER BY Ifpl.i_f_M_H_P, Ifpl.i_f_M_Num, Ifpl.i_f_L_Num, Ifpl.i_f_L_Ctr, substr( s.image, 45, 21 ), s.s_tbl_pk DESC ) AS row_num FROM i_f_p_l ifpl, s_tbl s, s_tbl_la sl WHERE Ifpl.A_I = 'XYZ' AND s.i_f_p_l_p IN ( SELECT i_f_p_l_p FROM s_tbl WHERE i_f_p_L_p = ifpl.i_f_p_L_p AND ( s_n IS NOT NULL OR l_n IS NOT NULL ) ) AND s.s_tbl_pk = sl.s_tbl_pk (+) AND Ifpl.i_f_M_H_P = a_r.i_f_M_H_P AND Ifpl.i_f_M_Num = a_r.i_f_M_N AND Ifpl.i_f_L_Num = a_r.i_f_L_N AND Ifpl.i_f_L_Ctr = a_r.i_f_L_C ) WHERE row_num > 1; TYPE to_delete_type iS TABLE OF c_to_delete%ROWTYPE INDEX BYBINARY_INTEGER; s_tbl_s_to_delete_rcds to_delete_type;
open c_to_delete;
fetch c_to_delete BULK COLLECT into s_tbl_s_to_delete_rcds;Received on Mon Mar 28 2005 - 14:37:42 CST