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The question is I have a view which looks like
SELECT pai.action_context_id assignment_action_idAND pop.effective_end_date
, pai.action_information1 org_paymeth_id
, pop.org_payment_method_id org_payment_method_id
, pop.org_payment_method_name org_payment_method_name
, ppto.category org_payment_category
, pea.segment1 org_bank_name
, pea.segment2 org_bank_branch
, pea.segment3 org_bank_account_number
, pai.action_information2 personal_payment_method_id
, pai.action_information18 personal_payment_method_name
, pptp.category personal_payment_category
, pai.action_information5 personal_bank_name
, pai.action_information6 personal_bank_branch
, pai.action_information7 personal_bank_account_number
, pai.action_information13 currency_code
, pai.action_information16 payment_amount
FROM pay_action_information pai , pay_personal_payment_methods_f ppp , pay_org_payment_methods_f popp , pay_payment_types pptp , pay_org_payment_methods_f pop , pay_payment_types ppto , pay_external_accounts pea WHERE pai.action_information_category = 'EMPLOYEE NET PAY DISTRIBUTION' AND pai.action_context_type = 'AAP' AND pai.action_information2 = ppp.personal_payment_method_id AND pai.effective_date BETWEEN ppp.effective_start_date AND ppp.effective_end_date AND ppp.org_payment_method_id = popp.org_payment_method_id AND pai.effective_date BETWEEN popp.effective_start_date AND popp.effective_end_date AND popp.payment_type_id = pptp.payment_type_id AND pai.action_information1 = pop.org_payment_method_id AND pai.effective_date BETWEEN pop.effective_start_date AND pop.effective_end_date AND pop.payment_type_id = ppto.payment_type_id AND pop.external_account_id = pea.external_account_id UNION ALL SELECT pai.action_context_id assignment_action_id
, pai.action_information1 org_paymeth_id
, pop.org_payment_method_id org_payment_method_id
, pai.action_information18 org_payment_method_name
, ppt.category org_payment_category
, pai.action_information5 org_bank_name
, pai.action_information6 org_bank_branch
, pai.action_information7 org_bank_account_number
, pai.action_information1 personal_payment_method_id
, pai.action_information18 personal_payment_method_name
, ppt.category personal_payment_category
, pai.action_information5 personal_bank_name
, pai.action_information6 personal_bank_branch
, pai.action_information7 personal_bank_account_number
, pai.action_information13 currency_code
, pai.action_information16 payment_amount
FROM pay_action_information pai , pay_org_payment_methods_f pop , pay_payment_types ppt WHERE pai.action_information_category = 'EMPLOYEE NET PAY DISTRIBUTION' AND pai.action_context_type = 'AAP' AND pai.action_information2 IS NULL AND pai.action_information1 = pop.org_payment_method_id AND pop.payment_type_id = ppt.payment_type_id AND pai.effective_date BETWEEN pop.effective_start_date
Now the problem is its a non-mergeable view as it contains union all.
Can we any how make the view mergeable.
I want to remove Union ALL as both the where conditions are quite similar and the data(I mean columns) that are picked from the table are almost same. Received on Sun Mar 27 2005 - 23:05:16 CST