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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: veritas mount options
On 8 Dec 2004 07:07:29 -0800, wrote:.
I gave seen the same things on Sun Disks also.
I just let the datafiles cache and use DELAYLOG=YES and seem to get the best performance. It wastes storage but this is the way I have been sucessful.
Otherwise quick I/O are raw (yuck!).
>I am using VXFS on my A5200 disk array. I have seen several posting
>that said the best mount options are "mincache=direct,
>convosync=direct". I tried this and my performance degraded. In some
>cases processes started taking 50% longer. Initially I set this on all
>volumes. Then I tried only setting it on the volumes with datafiles
>and redo logs. I tried the dsync option on the volumes with the rbs
>and temp segments. All of these configurations showed a degradation
>in performance.
>Any ideas?
Received on Sun Mar 27 2005 - 14:23:16 CST