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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Creating Oracle installation by copying binaries - urgent.
On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 12:55:11 +0100, wrote
(in article <>):
> Hi all,
> OS: Solaris 8 (64-bit)
> Oracle Version : / (Enterprise Edition)
> I need to perform a task that I know is not supported by Oracle but I
> think is possible.
> <Summary>
> Can we create a separate Oracle installation simply by copying
> binaries? If so what are the steps involved? What are the risks?
> </Summary>
> I am thinking of trying the following:
> A. Shutdown all the databases.
> B. Copy the binaries to a separate directory.
> C. Start OUI. Provide a new Home name and the directory path created in
> step B.
> D. Install the patch on the new Home.
This (step C,D) won't work. You can copy an oracle installation and run a
database from it without any problems, as long as the ownership and access
privs are correct. You can not patch such an installation because you have no
way to update the inventory.
For the patch process to work, the inventory and the installation[s] need to
be in-sync.
You can try to trick the installer by forcing a new inventory for every
installation but I really would not do it since it's a bit error prone.
With kind regards / met vriendelijke groeten, Ronald
Received on Sat Mar 26 2005 - 06:45:22 CST