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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Character set blues...
In article <d21fke$oh1$>, Frank van Bortel
> Let's start over again...
> - your HTTP Post, stored in a CLOB is correct when posted through
> the ISO8859P1 DAD.
> - your HTTP Post, stored in a CLOB *seems* incorrect when posted
> through the UTF DAD.
> Do you have any clue as to what actually is stored, when you use
> the UTF DAD? Try to find out, e.g. by using the dump function.
> My guess is, you will find just 1 byte of the two actually used.
> I am curious to know what a dump() would show
Will follow this up after the Easter weekend - thanks for your simplification of the situation.
-- jeremyReceived on Fri Mar 25 2005 - 13:28:53 CST