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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> How to find out a table last access time-stamp?
Hi All,
I inherit this production database from someone. I need to find out a table's last access time-stamp? Whether it is READ or WRITE?
Let me tell you what I am trying to archieve.
I have a few obsolete schemas(users) that I need to drop. And I already have some monitoring script to monitor the i/o from V$datafile, like which datafile has read and write at when.
But now I know certain datafile(belong to some tablespace) get access. Since these suppose to be obsolete, I saw very few I/O traffic to the datafile.
But I want to narrow down to exactly which table is being access. I am trying to look around to see which table could tell me?
I don't think I could use dba_segments or dba_objects??
Or I am trying to look V$SQLAREA or V$SQLTEXT to see which SQL is execute... on those obsolete schema?
Thanks in advance,
Dominica Received on Thu Mar 24 2005 - 18:12:44 CST