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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Character set blues...
In article <d1sdvr$7vr$>, Frank van Bortel
> *How* do you look inside your clob? Just an hint: could it
> be your *tool* to inspect your clob does not recognize the "๋" in
> ori๋nterend and displays a question mark?
No the tool will display fine the accented chars (have tested this already). Simply put, we receive the XML into the clob as described and simply insert that into a table (also defined as a clob column). No messing about with the the data whatsoever - and the accented chars have gone.
> The http post is in what character set?
Tried this via 2 DADs - one ISO-8859-1 the other UTF-8 - same result in both cases.
> The NLS_LANG environment variable of the client, that
> picks it (the XML message) up, has what setting?
Controlled (as far as I can tell) by the DAD settings.
> Your database uses what settings as characterset?
WE8ISO8859 I think.
> The tool you use, uses what for NLS_LANG?
> Another hint: use the dump() function
Not aware of dump - this is an oracle function?
Hmm... just tried
select dump('a') from dual;
97 is the ascii code for lower case 'a' - what is the typ=96? Or I could RTFM of course.
-- jeremyReceived on Wed Mar 23 2005 - 14:06:30 CST