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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Logical standby database for reporting
I am not a DBA, and I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge in database administration issues.
We host a database server shared by multiple clients (each have its own schema), and we need to be able to provide a logical standby for some of our clients for reporting. So each client that subscribed for reporting service, should get a real-time backup (10-15 minutes delay is okay) of just its schema.
Our DBAs suggested that the logical standby through "Archive Logs + DataGuard + SQL Apply" cannot be controlled at schema level, and is controlled at the whole database instance, and suggested that we write our own application to identify the transactions that were modified in the last "n" minutes, and export those transactions. I am worried that the software we write can neither beat the performance nor the reliability of Oracle or other products (being used in the community) that are designed to do the similar stuff.
Please advice me if there any other way my needs are addressed in Oracle, if not are there any other products that you could recommend? Obviously, we are looking at a cost effective solution.
Thanks in advance,
Received on Tue Mar 22 2005 - 05:09:30 CST